The Dragon Friends Wiki

Kithercy Gellantara is a paladin of Amaunator and ally to the Dragon Friends. In “The Less Theatrical Hobgoblin” (1.03) she is a guest in the Temple of Mystra, coincidentally where the Dragon Friends hiding out after being framed for the Duke of Daggerford's murder. The leader of the temple, Mistress Lorna, suggests a solution: the Dragon Friends should pose as her squires and servants on the way to Waterdeep.

Kithercy agrees to this plan only because she believes The Dragon Friends were innocent. (Technically true, but only in regards to this particular murder)

Kithercy has a barded steed named Arthur, and often presents herself by her full title: Kithercy Gellantara, Paladin Of Wrath's Eternal Righteousness, Beholder Unto The Truth (KGPOWERBUTT).

Having left the Dragon Friends to their own devices, she returns in “I Step Into The Moonlight” (1.12) as Davin Tyrril's captive and key component in his evil plan. Davin wants to sacrifice her and use her Lawful Good blood to awaken an army of Glittermen. In order to prevent this plan from coming to pass, Kithercy decides to change her alignment. She unceremoniously takes a dump on Davin's corpse, turning her Chaotic Good and preventing the ritual from taking hold.


Kithercy, unexpectedly, shows up in Avernus when the Beef Babes - now without Freezo - explore Zariel's Flying Fortress in order to find one of her relics. Kithercy had descended into the Nine Hells hoping to find chaos and further embrace her alignment change. Instead, she found bureaucracy, and was captured by the devils. They in turn gave her a threat level 3 out of 4 (as indicated by the three skulls), meaning she was recognized as incredibly dangerous.

