The Dragon Friends Wiki

Official promotional art by Simon Greiner

Welcome to the Dragon Friends Wiki

Strap on your jerkin! Grab your favourite longsword! Roll some 20-sided dice! The time for pizza is over! The time for adventure is now!

Dragon Friends is a monthly Australian comedy show and podcast where three four comedians muddle through Dungeons & Dragons adventure campaigns, and this is its Wiki!

Season 4 began in February 2018 and is currently airing. There are also numerous specials, a multi-part livestream of Tomb of Annihilation and a Dragon+ Magazine adventure. You can find out more at Dragon FAQ.

🚨 This wiki is NOT kid-friendly or a spoiler free zone! 🚨

Answer the Call!

There is plenty of room for new additions. Just create an account and dive right in. Check out Dragon FAQ to get the gist. The wiki guidelines are also here to help you.

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